Career Oriented Service Learning

Hustle is an app that serves as a platform for aspiring high school students that are ready to narrow down on their plans for their future.

The app is a fun space in which they can quickly find professionals who are ready and willing to share their day to day experience in their line of work by allowing them to come in and assist in small tasks during scheduled hours.

My Intent

Having been raised in Springdale and having personal connections with a lot of the youth in the area, I wanted to focus on creating something to help get them on track in planning for their future. Hearing firsthand their interest in wanting to find career options that are suited to them, I aimed to create an app that would serve as a tool in doing so by learning and forming connections through their service learning.


During the research phase I discovered that students not only want to learn first-hand about different career fields but also want to serve their community. Many stated that their greatest barriers were time and not knowing where to find opportunities that are available.

“I don’t know who to
   talk to about it.”


Hustle not only addresses the issue of students not knowing where to find opportunities, but the scheduling feature which allows them to sign up to service hours that work with their own schedules, resolves the issue of time being a barrier. Each time students clock in and clock out for their service, the hours will cumulate and be able to compare their own scores with their peers.

“A space for students to
         find what track to follow.”